Anicet Wall
Trainer and Assessor
Anicet has over 22 years of experience in Early Childhood Education and Care and has extensive experience as a Childcare Centre/OSHC Director, Early Childhood preschool teacher, Teacher of Families as First Teacher program (FAFT). She is also an Australian Abecedarian Approach Practitioner, with which she has a comprehensive set of practical evidence-based teaching and learning strategies for early childhood educators and parents to use with children from birth to age five.
Anicet is originally from the Seychelles, looks after her family of five and loves training and working with diverse cultures. Her knowledge is used during her training of future Early Childhood Education and Care workers, an industry she is passionate about. She trains students and apprentices across Darwin and Alice Springs.
Anicet holds a Bachelor of Children’s Services and a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. She is currently working towards her Diploma of Child Youth and Family Intervention, and a Diploma in Community Service. She is also a member of Early Childhood Australia (ECA), ACECQA, and Nutrition Australia.
0499 262 743